Traitor Mueller Speaks

According to USA Today: “With his remarks Wednesday, Mueller clearly sought to preempt an appearance before Congress by arguing that he has nothing further to say. ‘I hope and expect this to be the only time that I will speak about this matter,’ Mueller said. ” What the f*** have I been saying for months now? Mueller is just as much of a traitor as traitor trump! Really? The traitor “expects” that this is the only time he’ll speak on the Russian investigation? Well, traitor Mueller: f*** you! You know what? The House will determine if and when you’ll speak for the last time. So, f*** him and f*** dumbass Democrats if they fail to subpoena Mueller to testify, which I have full confidence they will (fail to do). Naturally! The f***ing morons in this country only care about the spectacle (i.e., traitor trump’s entire presidency), so dumbass Democrats should give it to the masses. If this is what it takes to start impeachment proceedings then so be it. Of course, there is still one burning question that no one else seems to be concerned about getting an answer: why did traitor Mueller not interview traitor trump? Why? I swear to f***ing God it is the single most important question that everybody is ignoring. Make him answer; the country deserves his testimony in full view, not for him to hide behind a report that raises more questions about what he did or didn’t do. Welcome to stupid America. It’s 100% apathy here — where’s the new shiny thingy?