
Traitor [T]rump Calls Out a Bowling Alley

CNN fact-checks the idiot, “Someone listening to Trump’s rally comments might have pictured documents from the first Bush administration being scattered carelessly in bowling lanes. But that’s not what happened. The Washington Post reported in 1993: ‘There aren’t any lanes anymore. No gutters, no pins, no beer. Thanks to a rush remodeling job after last November’s election, there are a few simple offices, a massive, fire-resistant vault and row after row of steel shelves filled with cardboard boxes and wooden crates.’ There was also extensive security. The Associated Press reported in 1994: ‘Uniformed guards patrol the premises. There are closed-circuit television monitors and sophisticated electronic detectors along walls and doors. Some printed material is classified and will remain so for years; it is open only to those with top-secret clearances.’”

Of course! That was — as usual — the entire point of traitor trump’s comments: Let the imagination of the crowd of f***tards run wild, that bowlers and diners alike could casually peruse national security documents between frames over a bowl of chop suey. Naturally, morons of America would believe such nonsense to be manifestly true while the rest of us call B.S. But whatever! Americans are just too stupid to apprehend any better or care. Welcome to stupid America — days away from the beginning of the end. I can’t anymore. I just can’t!