Traitor [T]rump Disgraces Himself and Fallen Soldiers — and Americans Love It!

Look, f***tards. Nothing matters. He pulls this sh*t — grinning in a photo with thumbs up over a grave site because why not? — and people love him for it. They think Captain Bone Spurs is the champion of the military because I love in stupid f***ing hell! The military loves him or, at the very least, is reluctant to speak out against him. Whatever! America is sleepwalking right into a dictatorship, and no one f***ing cares. That is the most frustrating aspect about this sh*t-for-brains country: People are clueless. They’re just blithely letting everything traitor trump does or says wash right over them as if it’s just another day in Stupidville. And if I have to hear one more political pundit, journalist, or some other moron news commentator say that Americans have become enured to traitor trump over the last decade, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. It’s not that this idiocracy has simply become “used to” traitor trump; they welcome him! They love him. As I have said countless times before, Americans are a pathetic, bored bunch, and they need to be constantly entertained by the traitor trump reality T.V. show, just like Survivor or Big Brother. Whatever! Stupid is as stupid does. Welcome to stupid America; it can always get dumber, and Americans prove it daily.