Traitor [T]rump Favored to Win! Mark My Words!

Source: Real Clear Politics

Normally, I would say follow the money, but clearly the betting money got it wrong in 2016, and I think they will get it wrong again in 2020. In fact, the betting markets are less confident in a Biden victory compared to Clinton, by a substantial difference. Perhaps they are once bitten, now twice shy. Or they understand that a Biden win is far less certain. Mark my words, morons! By hook or crook get ready for another four years and the end of America. My gut says traitor trump will successfully steal the 2020 election because he has the power of the government behind him — and the power of RepubliKKKlan held legislatures in battleground states. I think the election will be much closer than all the polls are indicating. There is a silent traitor trump vote and his base is large and will turn out in force. Consequently, in a close race the stealing will be effective and the courts will support traitor trump.

Look! I don’t know how many times I have to say it! America in its stupidity (and complacently) completely fell asleep at the wheel (and voted for traitor trump) and remain mesmerized by the idiot-in-chief to the point that over the last four years people have allowed RepubliKKKlans to gain a stranglehold on America’s government, politics, and courts. We cannot escape! It’s too late. Voters who think they can “undo” their disastrous traitor trump vote in 2016 are completely misguided. The damage is done. The grip of RepubliKKKlans in legislatures and courts in all the right places is fait accompli! Welcome to trump stupid America!