Traitor [T]rump in Trouble? Never!

Kill! Me! Now! If I have to listen to one more idiot progressive MSM pundit proclaim — again — that traitor trump is in legal trouble as investigations seem to be ramping up or coming to a head, then I am going to go postal. Of course, none of this is true. These morons have been making the same claims (of traitor trump’s impending doom) for years now. During Mueller’s investigation. Through Impeachment I and Impeachment II. During New York’s twin investigations into his taxes and finances. And through Georgia’s election interference investigation. And now with the House investigation into January 6. CNN writes, “Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger said Sunday the House panel investigating the January 6 Capitol insurrection is looking into whether former President Donald Trump committed a crime with his involvement in the deadly riot.” I will renew the same declaration I have been communicating since the Mueller investigation: Nothing is ever going to happen to traitor trump. He is untouchable because we have allowed it. There will be no charges, no prosecution, no trial, no verdict, no jail time. At most, the Trump Corporation may get some slap on the wrist for back taxes, so traitor trump the person will have a hefty New York State tax bill to pay, but that’s about it.

Certainly, nothing is going to come from the House Select Committee. Oh, sure. They may find all the evidence in the world directly tying traitor trump’s involvement to the attack on the Capitol, and they will most definitely draft a report laying out in detail how and why traitor trump should be charged with inciting an insurrection, but none of it will matter because of AG Garland. The Select Committee could literally find the smoking gun as evidence of traitor trump’s criminal involvement and nothing would come of it. Remember when traitor trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he’d get away with it? Yeah, he wasn’t joking — as many morons thought he was. I knew he wasn’t joking. He meant it because he does not joke. And he was right! He may not have killed someone outright. No! He just murdered our democracy, so no big deal. Garland will never prosecute traitor trump no matter how much evidence the Select Committee unearths. It’s never going to happen, f***tards! Mark! My! Words! And, as I have said many, many times before, the moment traitor trump senses his legal fortunes start to unravel is the second he declares his presidential candidacy. No state or federal prosecutor on Earth is going to head up a criminal prosecution against a presidential candidate and former president. (America loves to let their presidents crime.) So, it’s already too late. Garland could have begun prosecution of traitor trump for 10 instances of obstruction of justice months ago. Mueller’s report laid out everything, and, Lord knows, Garland has access to the completely unredacted version. If it has not happened by now, then it never will. No future revealed crimes will ever get prosecuted.

Last, do not believe for a second anyone who tells you that Garland could be working on an investigation into traitor trump behind the scenes since the DOJ does not advertise ongoing investigations. It’s not happening, morons. There would be indirect indications that the most intrepid investigative journalist would have been able to suss out by now, for it would be the biggest story of the year. Silence says it all! We get the incompetent DOJ we deserve, and Garland is the poster child of incompetence. Welcome to stupid America!