
Traitor [T]rump Intended to Sell Nuclear Secrets

According to CNN, “The FBI sought to locate classified documents related to nuclear weapons, among other items, when agents searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, this week, people familiar with the investigation told The Washington Post.” There is only one conclusion: Traitor trump intended to sell nuclear secrets to Russia or North Korea. What other reason would there be for traitor trump to possess such information? There is a reason I’ve been calling the orange man “traitor trump” from day one! He is a f***ing traitor of the highest m****f***ing order! Traitor trump hates America, and he is the leader of the “America last” and “hate America” coalition. And RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks will defend him no matter what because they want him to return to the presidency to finish destroying America, for they’re all traitors, too. We execute traitors in this country and the electric chair has been woefully underused as of late.

Yet, 40 percent of the country are traitors or admire traitors and they desire the head insurrectionist to lead the nation once again. Fear not, though! Nothing will happen to traitor trump; it never does. His followers love him more for being “persecuted” and aggrieved, and he’ll just get re-elected because this is what morons of America want — a treasonous, idiot leader who cares more about foreign dictators than the welfare of the nation. But he hates minorities! Being president has always been about traitor trump’s ego and personal aggrandizement and never about serving the nation or promoting the betterment of the citizens. Traitor trump is the mirror evincing the depravity and hatred of a nation, and the nation fell in love with what they saw in the reflection, which is why people are willing and have died for him. Oh, well. The end is coming, f***tards. Traitor trump is a national security threat; no one cares because inflation! Oh, and, of course, but her emails! I can’t! Welcome to stupid America.