Traitor [T]rump Is Above the Law

From Politico, “President Donald Trump’s drive to block subpoenas for his personal financial records faces a key test Tuesday as the Supreme Court hears arguments in a set of cases that could radically reshape the powers of Congress and state prosecutors to probe a president’s business affairs.” This right-wing SCOTUS will protect traitor trump no matter what! Mark my words, morons. They have on every other decision and they will again! They will place traitor trump above the law and seal the fate of America as a dictatorship. Full stop! I’m sure SCOTUS will pen some ridiculous majority opinion about how the Judicial Branch of the government cannot interfere with issues between the Legislative and the Executive Branches, which in effect means that traitor trump is allowed to ignore Congress and states. So, great. A government that the Founding Fathers believed, at the very least, would honestly operate through mutual respect for checks and balances has become a dictatorship whereby SCOTUS will condone the White House giving the middle finger to the House of Representatives and other states — so much for states’ sovereignty! How many f***ing times must I say it: America is lost. It was lost the second traitor trump won the election and the last four years has been one long slow realization of that fact as RepubliKKKlans secure permanent power! Mark my words, f***tards! Get used to it!

SCOTUS has always been the single most important election issue because a right-wing court is not impartial; it is a political tool of RepubliKKKlans. This is what happens when dumbass Democrats keep believing in the goodness of people and the rule of law. Eventually, RepubliKKKlans will destroy everything, and then we’re stuck with politically motivated legal decisions for a generation or two! Welcome to stupid America! America is done and no one really cares.