Traitor [T]rump ‘Press Conference’

So, traitor trump makes his 6 January anniversary press conference official via an announcement. This is not new information as news outlets picked up on this story weeks ago, but I did not comment at the time. I should have since journalists were already questioning how to cover the press conference, which of course is an easy answer: They shouldn’t! But they will anyway. Once again, MSM will take part in the demise of America! Our democracy is dying with help from all sides. There is the direct assault from RepubliKKKlans. There is apathy and incompetence from dumbass Democrats who have no clue how to counter the enemy except with that hopey, changey wishful thinking B.S. And then there is the cheerleading from MSM who sees the death of democracy as profitable. Little do idiot journalists and MSM executives know that without democracy there will be no profits because there can be no income from an industry made illegal under a traitor trump dictatorship. There will be only one source of news and that is state TV (aka Faux News).

Listening to these MSM news anchors, journalists, pundits, and commentators struggle aloud on-air with how to cover the traitor trump press conference is infuriating. They automatically believe that anytime traitor trump speaks it is newsworthy. No! It! Is! Not! Morons! They already know that he’s going to stand in front of the nation to lie about what happened on 6 January 2021, so the question these MSM-types are struggling with is how to fact-check traitor trump’s lies in real-time. Hey! Here’s an idea for fact-checking. Don’t cover the f***ing press conference in the first place you f***tards! But whatever. The MSM will, no doubt, be falling all over themselves to get choice seating to best broadcast traitor trump’s propaganda and lies to America. Whatever! I give up! I expected nothing less from a stupid, stupid America. This is a country where 75 percent of RepubliKKKlans think Biden lost the election and is an illegitimate president, so MSM is going to spend 6 January 2022 amplifying the lie because they just have to cover traitor trump! When the moron snaps, they come running. Welcome to stupid America! We never learn.