Traitor [T]rump Set to Win Because ‘Merica Stupid

According to The Hill, “The poll found that both Biden and Trump each would get 45 percent support from voters in a theoretical head-to-head in two years. … Fifty-seven percent of voters said in the poll they have an unfavorable view of Biden, while 55 percent said they had an unfavorable view of Trump. … Biden won five key states in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona that decided the race in his favor. If three of those states had flipped, Trump would have won the Electoral College. Biden defeated Trump by a little more than 10,000 votes in both Georgia and Arizona, and 20,000 votes in Wisconsin.”

The only stipulation to this poll is that the election is over two years away, but the mere trace of an indication that Biden and traitor trump are tied is incomprehensible — yet not really. As I have been screaming to all the morons of America, Biden is the intermission to traitor trump returning to office because Americans are just too f***ing G.D. stupid not to vote for traitor trump again. It does not matter that Biden will always win the popular vote — by a lot! The popular vote is not how we elect presidents in stupid America. The Electoral College gives undue influence and power to rural, conservative minority populations. And again, as I have been saying for years now, RepubliKKKlans are not going to allow the same mistakes to happen that cost them the 2020 election. They are fixing all those voting “issues” now. So, it doesn’t matter. RepubliKKKlans will make sure traitor trump steals his way into office the next time, and no one will care as his win would usher in the end of our democracy. I’ve been warning morons out there almost daily about what is happening to America. The stakes are astronomically high for this country’s survival, and people are gravitating back to traitor trump, which will ensure permanent RepubliKKKlan tyranny! Un-f***ing-believable! You people just don’t get it! I’ve tried warning you — abortion rights, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, other minority rights! Oh, well. Whatever. I expected nothing less from an idiocracy. Welcome to stupid America. Too trump stupid to survive. This level of stupid cannot be undone. Mark my words, f***tards! The end is coming!