Traitor [T]rump Supporter Is Killed in El Paso: Good

From NPR: “Tito Anchondo says his family has always been Republican conservatives. ‘My brother was very supportive of Trump,’ he said, adding that he would like to sit down with the president and tell him about their pain [Traitor trump doesn’t care, f***tard]. ‘I want to see his reaction in person [His reaction is to boast about crowd size, moron],’ he said. ‘I want to see if he’s genuine [He’s not] and see if my political views are right or wrong [They’re wrong, idiot]. And see if he feels maybe some kind of remorse for statements that he’s made [I’m speechless by this expectation]. I just want to have a human-to-human talk with him and see how he feels [He doesn’t fell — un-f***ing-believable].’” If it’s true then I love it! (It’s true.) This is definitely a social Darwinism post, in part, because an idiot RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron got exactly what he deserved! Sorry, but it is precisely how I feel. I just love these f***tard conservative Mexicans who have listened to traitor trump for the past three years and conclude “‘yes, maybe [emphasis added] he [traitor trump] said things in bad taste. But I think people are misconstruing President Trump’s ideas.’” Un-f***ing-believable! So, when traitor trump stands in front of thousands and thousands of supporters repeating the claim that Mexicans are invaders, rapists, and murders then said Mexican traitor trump supporters must think to themselves he’s not talking about me. (News flash idiot! He’s talking about all Mexicans.) Oh, I can’t wait for the uncle to explain to his nephew that his father (and mother) died protecting his life against a person who was acting out the racist, white nationalist passions of a president that the father actually supported. Yup, this is what a trump stupid country looks like. Stupidity knows no race. Yeah, conservative Mexicans should be deported and prevented from crossing the board. We don’t need their (conservative) kind in this country. See, two can play at this game.