Traitor [T]rump Supporters Are Racists or Morons — There Is No in Between

According to the Associated Press: “President Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted approvingly of a video showing one of his supporters chanting ‘white power,’ a racist slogan associated with white supremacists. The video appeared to have been taken at The Villages, a Florida retirement community, and showed dueling demonstrations between Trump supporters and opponents. ‘Thank you to the great people of The Villages,’ Trump tweeted. Moments into the video clip he shared, a man driving a golf cart displaying pro-Trump signs and flags shouts ‘white power.’ The video also shows anti-Trump protesters shouting ‘Nazi,’ ‘racist,’ and profanities at the Trump backers.” (And don’t believe his “deletion” of the tweet to mean he is walking back the intended message. It’s not. He said exactly what he wanted to say to all his supporters for exactly as long as he needed to while also distracting from the impending Russia scandal as a bonus. As usual, the media let him define and win the news cycle time and again as they chase every shiny object and viewers willingly follow along — mindlessly. Emphasis on mindless!)

Of course, traitor trump did! Of course! He! Did! I don’t know how many f***ing times I must repeat myself to the masses of morons out there, but traitor trump supporters are racists or morons or in the most likely case — both! There is no in-between. There is no some of this and a bit of that, or only racist and stupid sometimes. No! It is all racist, all the time; it is all stupid, all the time. These are the defining “qualities” of every RepubliKKKlan — it’s in their name for God’s sake! And as I have said a thousand times before — root and stem, morons! Root! And! Stem! Root and stem traitor trump. Root and stem RepubliKKKlans. Root and stem MAGA morons. Root and stem them all — all 45% of the American conservative population, without exception. Welcome to trump stupid America!