Traitor [T]rump to Announce Presidential Run Once RepubliKKKlans Clinch the House in 2022

From The Hill, “Former President Trump and his allies are expanding their political activities across the map, asserting their presence within the Republican Party as the 2022 midterm cycle kicks into high gear. Trump himself is issuing endorsements at a more rapid clip than earlier this year and is planning to barnstorm the key states of Georgia and Iowa in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, his allies are dropping millions of dollars to buoy his supported candidates in marquee races, and his affiliated consultants are airdropping into key races to boost backers and knock off incumbents viewed as disloyal.”

It is pretty clear that traitor trump is going to run for president again, provided that RepubliKKKlans retake the House in the 2022 midterm elections, which is a certainty. Traitor trump is waiting because he may need the House to override state certifications in the next presidential election. If RepubliKKKlans take the House in the 118th Congress, then it is very likely that they would also retain enough power (enough of a margin) in the 119th Congress, which is the Congress that will be in session when the next presidential election is certified, to make all the difference for traitor trump to steal the election. If you truly want to see the death of America’s democracy complete, then wait for Biden’s win in the Electoral College to be overturned by RepubliKKKlan members of Congress who will object to every state elector won by Biden. Recall that it only takes a simple majority of both the House and Senate to sustain objections to counting electoral votes. And then I guess we get into uncharted territory, but I’m sure we all know how close presidential election cases that go to SCOTUS will turn out — Bush v. Gore. This is why traitor trump is purging disloyal politicians. This is why RepubliKKKlans are changing state election laws. Get ready, people. Get ready, and don’t say I did not warn you. Democracy died the day traitor trump was elected; Biden is merely the intermission to the 2024 finale. Welcome to stupid America. No one cares! We just care about the entertainment! Lord knows that traitor trump was the biggest reality T.V. horror show no one could stop watching.

There is another viable timeline. Traitor trump may not wait until the midterm elections to announce he’s running. If indictments from New York (or elsewhere) are imminent, then he’ll use his candidacy as a shield. How can any A.G. go after a person running for president? He will claim another (continuing) political witchhunt. And I think he’ll get away with it. I believe the squishy middle of voters will think that, yeah, it’s wrong to go after someone already running for president. And dumbass Democratic prosecutors are too weak to pursue charges because they’re too afraid of appearing biased or influencing a presidential election. Although, that never stopped RepubliKKKlans and Comey regarding Clinton. It would be his 5th Avenue argument. And it will work because this is stupid, stupid America!

But wait! There is more hot off the presses. Also, from The Hill, “President Biden and former President Donald Trump are statistically tied when it comes to their favorability among U.S. voters, according to a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll shared exclusively with The Hill on Monday. … Fifty-one percent of respondents now say Trump was a better president than Biden, while 49 percent prefer the White House’s current occupant, the poll shows. ‘The mounting issues on all fronts have led to the surprising conclusion that Trump is now seen as good a president as Biden, suggesting the honeymoon is being replaced now with buyer’s remorse,’ Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, said.” (Note that Mark Penn is a Clinton hater and probably a Biden hater as well, so take his commentary with a huge grain of salt.) Nonetheless, these poll results should be alarming for dumbass Democrats, for the interpretation of the numbers is clear: It’s six of one, half a dozen of the other. I’ve been saying it forever. Biden is coming off as weak and weaker by the month. How many f***ing times do I have to say it before people finally start to understand that Democrats are on a path to losing next year and in 2024? How many times? Look, f***tards! This is a m*****f***ing G.D. stupid country of the highest f***ing order. Voters would rather have a strong and wrong president than a weak and right one. And the polls are starting to indicate that. I just want a president that sticks it to RepubliKKKlans — hard! But that is more of a pipe dream when supporting the Democratic Party.

Instead, we have Biden, a weak leader of his party, let alone the nation. For months now, under Biden’s aegis, Democrats have done very little, and there is daily evidence that the party cannot coalesce behind meaningful legislation on the most pressing issues of the day: voting rights, women’s rights, climate change, infrastructure, you name it. It’s been eight months of stalemate and power struggles within the Democratic Party as RepubliKKKlans stand by, ready to pick up the pieces of dumbass Democrats’ incompetent governance. Democrats call these impasses and internal fights part of the sausage-making of a democracy. No! It’s how a party loses elections because they evince fecklessness. Mark my words, morons. Given four years of traitor trump’s presidency and the incompetence of Democrats under Biden’s leadership, the majority of people are beginning to reconsider giving the traitor another chance. And one wonders how that can be? OMG! I give up! Only in trump stupid America. Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t. This country is so f***ed!