Traitor [T]rump Will Get Away with It — All of It!

Look, morons! Of course, traitor trump will get away with it — with all of it. He has spent his entire life getting away with it, so all these f***tards (dumbass Democrats, never-trumpers, political commentators, and other morons) that keep telling the general public not to worry; traitor trump still faces a mountain of pending civil and criminal litigation. Oh! My! F***ing! God! What the f***! Hello, stupid, stupid people! Nothing is going to happen to traitor trump! We do not prosecute former presidents — we couldn’t even convict one for inciting insurrection. Any legal case brought against traitor trump — civil or criminal, state or federal — is going to be tied up in court for years or it will be settled out of court with a fine and no admission of guilt, just like every other legal battle traitor trump has faced. He’ll just run out the clock. Why the f*** does no one see this? My head explodes every time I hear dumbass Democrats talking about how traitor trump is done for, that he can’t escape all these legal issues, that he is damaged beyond fixing. Kill! Me! Now! Have these f***tards learned nothing in the past four, five years? Traitor trump is Teflon Don, morons. He is the comeback king! (And people who think that traitor trump is some aberration in politics that represents some outlier of American culture truly have no f***ing clue about the real level of American hatred and admiration for authoritarianism!) Mark my words, f***tards! Mark! My! Words!

The jury may still be out as to traitor trump actually running again for president — I’d say the odds are 50/50 until he can be more confident that red states intensify and improve their voter suppression efforts — but what is 100 percent certain is that nothing is going to happen to him legally — not one day in jail and not any accountability for his actions as president. Nothing! F*** me! I live in stupid hell where idiots, especially dumbass Democrats, are still expecting justice to miraculously happen without putting in any effort. Let the chips fall where they may, which will be in traitor trump’s favor or let’s wait and see. Waiting for nothing to happen! Traitor trump once declared that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it; many thought it was a preposterous statement made in jest. I, however, believed him! The man does not joke and Americans truly are that stupid and that forgiving to excuse anything he would do. We’re f***ed because RepubliKKKlans want a dictatorship and dumbass Democrats are slowly handing America over to become one. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark! My! Words! Welcome to trump stupid America!