Politics Purely Moronic

Traitor [T]rump’s Election to Lose

From CNN, “While that prospect may seem distant amid an endless series of terrible headlines — Syria! Ukraine! Impeachment! — for the President of late, a trio of new electoral models from Moody’s Analytics all predict a victory for the incumbent in 2020. (Worth noting: The Moody model has only missed the Electoral College winner one time in its existence. That election? 2016.)” It’s like I’ve been saying for over a year now. Morons of America are too stupid to not re-elect traitor trump. My gut has been saying it will be true and now a solid analytical report seemingly confirms the obvious (to me). A stupid country elected an idiot for president and they’ll do it again because when everything boils down to economics then people are certainly — on the whole — no worse off than in 2016. I cannot possibly adequately convey in words the level of benighted America. The dumbest person in the history of American presidents runs for office and the morons of America think he is the second coming of Christ. F*** me! I hate stupid people! So, there is that. Welcome to trump stupid America where nothing traitor trump does faze people anymore.