Traitor [T]rump’s Grievance Eulogy

Classic! The HuffPost writes, “Former President Donald Trump awkwardly claimed he ‘didn’t know’ Silk, one half of the popular conservative duo Diamond & Silk, during a speech at her late sister Diamond’s memorial service on Saturday. … Trump made an appearance at the North Carolina service where — in addition to reflections on Diamond — he railed about inflation and gas prices as he listed a string of political grievances. … Trump concludes his moving eulogy to Diamond by saying the 2020 election was stolen from him, and Republicans have to get a lot tougher so they can swamp the Democrats in 2024 so they can fix the country.”

Of course, he did, which is exactly what the audience wanted. Why else would they have invited a shellfish, egotistical, and heartless “leader” to speak at a funeral? Because they actually wanted to hear his emotionally memorable moments with Diamond? Of course, not. You know, non-MAGA moron outsiders keep thinking people ask traitor trump to these events without understanding what he’s going to be like, that attendees are surprised when traitor trump delivers a eulogy wherein he spends more time talking about himself. This, naturally, is bullsh*t. These people know exactly what he’s going to say, and they all wait with bated breath, eager to hear him rant and rave, even at the expense of the dead. They love it! This is precisely why they voted for him. Welcome to stupid America!