Traitor [T]rump’s Taxes

Let me begin by saying, I will not concede (yet) that my prediction of never seeing traitor trump’s taxes has been busted. Not even The New York Times has seen his tax returns; they’ve only obtained “tax-return data.” They are not the same thing, though the outcome or impact may be the same. The Times has promised more to come, so who knows what else they have to divulge. But I am far less interested in the dollar amounts he paid in taxes (or did not pay) as I am about the investigative article further exposing traitor trump as a fraud; his entire life — a life in which he’s portrayed himself as a successful billionaire businessman — is all a lie and fake. It’s all an illusion, or perhaps hoax is a better term. The article summed it up perfectly: “Ultimately, Mr. Trum p has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.” That’s it in a nutshell! In one pithy statement, The Times evinces not only the fraud that is traitor trump but also the utter stupidity of America, and by utter stupidity, I mean the dumbest f***ing country in the world. Full stop! On average, there is absolutely no nation populated by a dumber citizenry. None! I just really, really hate this m*****f***ing G.D. stupid, stupid country. I just f***ing can’t stand it anymore. The stupid just f***ing hurts, and I’m surrounded by it — it’s everywhere. For well over a year, I’ve been calling out traitor trump as a fraud and calling out his f***ing G.D. moron followers of the highest f***ing order for believing that he’s some sort of “very stable genius” “businessman!” (See here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here.) In short, a supremely stupid country fell for (is still falling for) the traitor trump moronic fraud sh*t show. And people love it! I! Can’t! With! The! Stupid! Anymore! F*** me! I just can’t!

Of course, these latest revelations will do nothing to dissuade RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and any other f***tards because I live in stupid hell where anything that disparages, contradicts, or exposes Dear Leader is “fake news.” So, none of this matters. In fact, traitor trump has it entirely correct when he claims that he’s “smart” for not paying taxes; he’s absolutely right because idiots of America don’t care. They’d do the same because it has never been about “America First” or MAGA. Being a traitor trump supporter has always been about hypocrisy, selfishness, greed, hatred, and stupidity. These people are a disease in American society. It is that simple. Traitor trump’s supporters just don’t care. They want to be lied to; they want an excuse to hate openly again; they welcome ignorance and stupidity, and conspiracy theories. And they hate America, at least the version of America that departs from their own worldview. Consequently, they hate government, so they cheer traitor trump for “sticking it” to the IRS even though his followers (who he readily calls “losers” and “suckers”) are the ones who end up subsidizing his business losses and, by extension, his lifestyle because they must pay for the government’s revenue shortfall with paying more in taxes. This is the same mindset I called out four years ago (before the website) regarding the Access Hollywood tape and the Stormy Daniels hush money scandal. I knew that recording and his actions would do absolutely nothing to discourage his voters because deep, deep down inside, the MAGA morons could not possibly care any less about his misogyny, and they actually respected him (more) for f***ing a porn star — and getting away with it! His followers could only wish they were ever in a position to f*** a porn star! How many f***ing times have I said it? How many times? It’s the mirror, stupid! These tax revelations are precisely the same thing. Whatever! Nothing matters anymore!

Dare I say The Times story will do little to move those on the fence to a determination? Undecided voters, at this point, are clearly still just too f***ing stupid, and I doubt new information will do anything other than distress them more and engender more “confusion.” How there can be any confusion or questions remaining about traitor trump is incomprehensible, but then I wake up to reality and realize, oh yeah! That’s right: I live in m*****f***ing G.D. stupid hell! If anything, these “undecided” voters are just secret traitor trump voter-wannabes who are looking for that last excuse not to vote for Biden; of course, they’re not looking for a reason not to vote for traitor trump, which is why all these tax stories will do nothing in the end. No minds will be changed. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: A tie (indecision) goes to traitor trump. One final note: Traitor trump is not and has never been a billionaire, f***tards. Full stop!

Welcome to stupid America! Home of “suckers” and “losers.” (Traitor trump’s words, not mine.) A country this trump stupid cannot survive. In fact, it is a daily miracle that MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals survive, for traitor trump supporters are so f***ing stupid that it’s a good thing breathing, for these f***tards is an autonomic bodily function lest they would suffocate otherwise!