‘Trump’s calls to Putin may soon be revealed to Biden’s team — then what?’

Allow me to answer the question presented in the RawStory headline as forthrightly as I can: Not a G.D. thing! Nothing! Nada! Zilch! F*** all! That’s what will happen. Mark my words, f***tards. It is becoming increasingly clear that Biden will be in full-on “healing” mode instead of “accountability” mode, so as usual, traitors to the nation will get away with everything. RepubliKKKlans will be emboldened to obstruct Biden for the next four years, and Biden is just too weak to do anything about it. I’m not sure what part of RepubliKKKlan obstructionism against Democrats over the last several decades indicates to Biden that somehow he’ll be the exception. I can’t with the stupid anymore! Dumbass Democrats deserve what they get, and we got Biden. I voted for him because he was our best chance of winning, and I always knew in the back of my mind he would be weak and feckless to hold traitor trump and his administration accountable for their lawlessness, but now I’m reminded of how frustrating and painful it will be to watch RepubliKKKlans run circles around President Biden. McConnell will never say it aloud as he did with Obama, but his actions will be precisely the same to make Biden a one-term president. Yeah, Biden was correct to call himself a transition president — transition between a traitor trump “RepubliKKKlan” presidency and a more radical trumpism presidency in 2025. Instead of taking the next four years to destroy trumpism and MAGA morons, Biden will allow it to fester and grow. Traitor trump will be a shadow president constantly questioning Biden’s legitimacy, and Biden will wrongly assume Americans are smart enough to move on from traitor trump and racism and misogyny and the like. Wrong! Half this country wants chaos because this is stupid America! Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid all the time!