‘TRUTH Social’ Soon to Be State TV

According to USA Today, “Former President Donald Trump has announced that he plans to launch his own social media platform called Truth Social now that he has been banned from other popular social media sites. In a press release, the Trump Media and Technology Group said it has entered a merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp. to become a publicly listed company, with Trump as its chairman.” Never mind most of traitor trump’s business ventures fail. Never mind that. Remember, MAGA morons love him because he fails. They love him because he sticks it to the little guy as he walks away richer. They love it because they all think — astonishingly — they are not the little guy that traitor trump would piss on in a New York minute if he had the chance; and, apparently, this new TRUTH Social megamedia conglomerate to-be is the perfect opportunity to capture monthly subscriptions from his moronic followers who will find themselves making three times the payments because they failed to check some conditions box in the fine print of the terms of agreement.

But that is not why I am writing. I am writing because traitor trump is the chairman of this would-be media group, and I see yet another piece of the puzzle falling into place for the demise of democracy and the rise of America’s dictatorship. That piece, of course, is control of the media. To be sure, TRUTH Social is long, long away from dominating American media, much less competing with Facebook and Twitter. But how will that calculus change when traitor trump returns to the White House? Does anyone really think he’ll give up the chairman’s seat? Of course, he won’t. Indeed, he will be the head of the government and have a self-made media company — though nascent, but not for long — to focus, magnify, and distribute — unconditionally — his propaganda exactly what dictators need to do to control the masses. They need to control the media and the message. Traitor trump had problems doing so in his first term, so now he’s setting himself up to control not only the media but to be the media and the President of the United States. Traitor trump will have his own media platform, and he’ll have the power of the executive branch to go after his competitors. Facebook, Twitter, CNN, and the networks will find themselves mired in government investigations. Suddenly, their truth (aka reality) will be in the crosshairs of government micro-oversight and frivolous lawsuits. And there won’t be a single RepubliKKKlan to stop his egregious attack on the free press. In fact, they will be more than happy to codify anti-First Amendment legislation to target his competition and promote his TRUTH Social. Wake up, morons! This TRUTH Social venture is just as much about his ego and revenge on other media outlets as it is the groundwork to control what the government will eventually determine to be the TRUTH! In other words, State TV in its purest form because Faux News is still too liberal for the task. Welcome to stupid America. Good luck!