From NBC News, “For the first time in more than 150 years, the Marine Corps is operating without a Senate-confirmed commandant. The position was vacated Monday when Gen. David H. Berger, who assumed the top role in July 2019, stepped down from the post, which is limited to four years. The Senate’s attempt to vote on a nominee to succeed him was blocked Monday by GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, whose monthslong opposition to the Defense Department’s abortion travel policy has held up dozens of military nominations.”
I honestly don’t know who is worse: Tuberville or Schumer. Tuberville is a RepubliKKKlan, so by definition, he is already a vile human being, but it could be a close second with Schumer, who I’ve said from day one is a f***ing complete disaster as majority leader of the Senate. He’s f***ing weak, weak, weak. And he has no f***ing clue how to play hardball. Tuberville has been holding up military promotions for months over a MAGA position on abortion, and in so doing, he is wrecking America’s military readiness. (So much for the party of a strong national defense.) This one Senator has been holding up promotions for months. And then we have Schumer, who is equally complicit because, I guess, he’s too f***ing lazy to do his job; instead of passing these promotions by the usual unanimous consent method, Schumer would rather do nothing by forcing these promotions to the Senate floor because it will take too long. It could take months. Oh, you mean the months that Tuberville has been holding up the ~250 promotions while Democrats (and other RepubliKKKlans) complain that nothing is happening. This is a classic example of why I hate Democrats more than RepubliKKKlans at times because I can’t stand their f***ing weakness anymore. What Schumer should have done (months ago) is lock the Senators in the chamber and say: “Ok, folks! We’re doing this now, and no one leaves until everyone is promoted. And you can thank Tuberville for this.” I bet Senators will quite easily vote to change the rules to avoid all the procedural delays. But no! Schumer is a weak and stupid fool who is still playing by the old rules, hurting our military in the process. I expected nothing less. Whatever! No one cares! Welcome to stupid America!