Tucker Carlson: Pull the Trigger!

Tucker Carlson is a racist, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a misogynist, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a homophobe, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a xenophobe, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a moron, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson and all his viewers should take their First Amendment right, stick it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger, lest America is doomed even quicker. I only say this out of love for America. The New York Times.

Of course, Tucker has the highest-rated show on cable because he is a perfect reflection of America. How long have I been saying it? How long? America looked into the MAGA world mirror, and they fell in love with the reflection.

As Biden said, traitor trump — implying all his acolytes — is a plague on this nation. So, that includes all MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelical, and QAnon kooks. They should all take their First Amendment right, stick it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger. This is the only way to save America! Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America!