From The Hill, “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has a mandate to rule until 2028, securing five more years as leader of a country at the crossroads of Europe and Asia that plays a key role in NATO. He must now confront skyrocketing inflation that has fueled a cost-of-living crisis and rebuild in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that killed more than 50,000 people.” This is wholly expected and nothing to be surprised about. Dictators are ascending worldwide, and people heartily welcome it or are entirely oblivious to the death of democracies because humans are f***ing G.D. morons who, in most cases, should be shot for their stupidity. Or citizens — more likely — want to be ruled over. Humanity abhors freedom. I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat it: Humanity abhors freedom. This is almost an evolutionary attribute. Freedom requires brain power and energy. Following without thought is easy and for the lazy. It is so much easier to be told what to think and do. Why do you think mindless religions have persisted throughout all of human existence? Islamic states present the perfect culmination of religion for f***tards and authoritarianism. As I have written previously, there is no such thing as an Islamic democracy, and Turkey is merely the logical evolution of this undeniable fact. Islam, being the worst of the three major religions, necessarily consumes democracies and turns them into dictatorships, all the while stupid people welcome subjugation. Welcome to stupid humanity, where democracies have become an endangered species. Oh, well! No one cares. Mark my words!