Turks and Caicos: Send Them to Jail!

According to NBC News, “U.S. lawmakers traveled to Turks and Caicos this week to push for the return of five American citizens detained on ammunition possession charges, but failed to facilitate their release. The Americans were arrested in the last five months under a strict law in Turks and Caicos that prohibits possession of firearms or ammunition and carries a mandatory 12-year sentence.”

This should be a no-brainer! All these people — American citizens or not — should go to jail according to the law of Turks and Caicos. Full stop! I don’t understand what is so f***ing complicated about this story, nor do I understand all the uproar. There are so many issues involved in these arrests. First, people seem always to forget the principal rule of traveling to a foreign country, and it is quite simply this: “When in Rome…” If you can finish this cliché, then you know exactly what I mean. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then I guess you’re precisely the moron I expected you to be, so Google it.

Second, only Americans think they are exempt from the laws of other countries. It never f***ing fails. The arrogance of Americans is maddening and — very frankly — is part of the reason why American tourists are viewed with such contempt by a country’s natives. Americans in a foreign country are subject to their laws and when they break them — knowingly or unknowingly — then they must be subject to that country’s system of justice. I have a feeling most idiot Americans believe the American system of justice follows them around from country to country like protective armor, which, of course, is nonsense. Just ask any f***tard American traveling to Russia, Iran, or North Korea who gets predictably arrested. (This is why I keep saying Biden should not be helping to repatriate Americans who have been incarcerated in these countries. This is especially true since the U.S. State Department has repeatedly warned citizens not to visit these places. Yet morons still go, and then Americans wonder how they end up in jail on trumped-up charges. But I digress.)

Third, has it ever occurred to people that the reason Turks and Caicos recently strengthened its firearm ordinance by mandating a minimum 12-year prison sentence is because the country is so close to nutso America, which is awash with guns and bullets? Perhaps Turks and Caicos wants to prevent America from exporting its gun carnage and death-cult mentality to their paradise island. It is (not so) amazing that five people have already been caught up in this law, which stiffened the penalties in November 2022.

Last, who the f*** travels with loose bullets in their luggage? I mean, this really does take the cake. Only in f***tard America is this a thing. And this is in addition to countless morons of America who are caught by TSA because passengers left handguns in their carry-on luggage. Un-f***ing-believable. Why is their ammunition and a gun in their luggage in the first place? Other than professional law enforcement officials, for what practical reason would the average American f***tard civilian need to travel with a gun? I assume the vast majority of people traveling by air do so for vacation (or business) — as these Americans in Turks and Caicos evince. Why do people feel the need to pack heat while on f***ing vacation? This is what a sicko country of morons who are more in love with guns than — well — anything else looks like. Are we a country filled with paranoid people? I guess so. And even if I were to concede the dire need for someone to travel with protection, then how are these people so f***ing irresponsible? I mean, loose bullets? Seriously? Shouldn’t bullets be kept in a box or some sort of container? Or is it customary for weapon owners to just grab a handful of bullets and throw them in the pocket of their luggage willy-nilly as if a person stuffed in a few snacks before heading off? It’s so funny that Americans — in all their Second Amendment hyper-sensitivity — are entirely careless and irresponsible to lose track of bullets. These idiot Americans who get arrested are proving the point of Turks and Caicos’ need for stricter laws, for now they must not only manage the potential dangers from their own population but the idiocy of the American public coming to visit the island as well. What a joke. Welcome to stupid America — just as dumb as you expected it to be!