Twitter and Facebook Insurrectionist Enablers

Don’t be fooled, f***tards. Mark Zuckerberg, the defender of white nationalists on Facebook, and Jack Jerksey are not having a change of heart, nor are they worried about the safety and security of America’s democracy. Their move to ban traitor trump from these platforms is too little, too late. No! They’re worried about Democrats just having won control of the Senate and the increased likelihood that Section 230 will be revised, namely that these platform providers will be held liable for what their users post. So, do not think for one G.D. second these idiots are getting religion and want to save democracy. They don’t care about democracy, for had they really cared about the trash traitor trump has been posting all through his presidency and his harming the nation, then they would have done something years ago instead of hiding behind his title as a world “leader” because Lord knows he is no f***ing leader, but he is the leader of his white nationalist treasonous militia. Whatever! I don’t care. I give up on trying to expect there to be an enlightened American citizenry. Social media made America dumber and there is really nothing left to be done other than euthanasia at this point. Go back to watching your funny cat videos, you morons! Nothing to see here but a dying democracy! Your democracy! Welcome to stupid America.