Twitter Is Just the Symptom of a Supremely Stupid America

From the New York Times, “This episode is not unlike other infamous stories floating around social media, like the inhumane speculation about the death of a Democratic National Committee staffer, Seth Rich, or the ocean of nasty misinformation about the murders of the children of Sandy Hook Elementary that got Alex Jones deservedly thrown off several platforms. But this mess is perhaps the high tide of that endless spew of toxic bile because it is being relentlessly amped up by the leader of the free world. Tweeting misinformation is not new for Mr. Trump, who uses the service as his political cudgel to govern, campaign, wage petty digital wars and, more recently, peddle dangerous medical advice about Covid-19. All of this Twitter has allowed, because it has deemed even the most inane of the president’s utterances as ‘newsworthy.’”

Just another day waking up in the m*****f***ing G.D. dumbest country on the planet. Only in stupid America do lies, conspiracy theories, and morons rise to the top of the political and social ladder. Whatever! I give up! F*** America! F*** the morons! F*** the RepubliKKKlans! F*** the MAGA morons! In case the idiots out there have yet to figure all this Scheiße out: America is trapped by these f***tards. Mark my words, morons! Finally, decades of the dumbing-down of America have engendered the perfect storm of stupidity, moronity, and idiocracy to elect traitor trump, and there are just enough MAGA morons in enough states to get him re-elected! If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before: traitor trump is the Everyman of America! He embodies all the worst characteristics of the average American. Think of an idiot in one’s life; now consider half of Americans are dumber than that! Yup! We’re f***ed. Welcome to trump stupid America!