Two Data Points: One Conclusion

First, The Hill quotes Howard Stern, “‘I hate to say it, but only 65 percent of Americans are fully vaccinated [against COVID-19], and I can’t help but think the wackos [RepubliKKKlans] are winning,’ Stern said Wednesday. ‘Ever since Trump won the Republican nomination, the whole Republican Party’s gone bonkers.’” Second, also from The Hill, “President Biden’s approval rating dropped to 40 percent this week, according to a Reuters-Ipsos poll, an all-time low for the president in that survey. The survey showed that Biden had a 54 percent disapproval rating amid high inflation and tensions caused by Moscow’s deadly invasion of Ukraine, according to Reuters. … Broken down by party, 77 percent of Democratic respondents approved of Biden’s job in office compared to 10 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of independents, Reuters added.”

Stern is absolutely correct: RepubliKKKlans are winning. They are winning public sentiment and thus the political argument. He points to the vaccination rates as a relevant proxy for the hold RepuliKKKlans have on messaging for just about everything. The other proxy is Biden’s continuing drop in approval ratings. In particular, two aspects are simply incomprehensible to me. One, Democratic approval is only 77 percent. Un-f***ing-believable! Even when traitor trump was at his worst, he still had RepubliKKKlan support in the mid- to high-80 percent range. Yet, dumbs Democrats, being as dumb and irritable as they are, fail to stick by their guy. Whatever! I give up.

Two, the Independents’ approval of Biden is basically at the same level as RepubliKKKlans. I seriously have no f***ing clue why Independents are so f***ing upset. Is it because of inflation? Probably. This is when the stupidity of Americans shines. Blaming Biden for high prices is like blaming God for the rain. It just happens! Biden has no control over the vast workings of the economy and prices. Whatever Biden may do (executive orders and releasing strategic petroleum reserves) in response to inflation is just for show, knowing that America is too stupid to understand any better. But no matter what he does or fails to do, dumbass Americans will blame him anyway. Not to mention this inflationary period is due to a robust economy. But, whatever. People don’t want to hear it. The only thing morons of America understand is, Prices high! Prices bad! Economy no good! Biden bad!

As for Biden’s handling of Russia’s war on Ukraine, he is unquestionably, without a single doubt, doing an exemplary job while trying not to trigger the next world war. Although I wish NATO et al. would do more and while I routinely scorn the West for their professional hand-wringing instead quicker actions, I understand the tight rope these leaders are walking with Putin. Anyone who thinks Biden is not handling the Ukraine crisis at least well enough is a m*****f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order. And you’re probably a traitor, too!

So, Biden is in a predictable no-win situation with the war and the economy. Yet, dumbass Democrats and Independents seem hellbent on making sure Biden is crippled in the opinion polls just in time for the next elections (midterm and presidential). They may as well roll out the red carpet for traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans. Oh, well. We get the government we deserve, and if the majority of the population is a bunch of jejune, petulant morons, then you can pretty much guess what kind of government is in the waiting. We’re f***ed. The numbers show it! And Stern is right! Welcome to stupid America.