Typical Ass Backwardness

From Axios, “Palestinian leaders rejected the economic aspect of the Trump administration’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, spearheaded by President Trump’s son-in-law and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, because they want to see a political solution first, Reuters reports.” This is what we get when a rich know-nothing tries to engage in international politics. Everything can be solved with money, namely buying off the Palestinians. Hello, morons! Political stability must come first. I have no idea what the f*** they are thinking. Who the f*** is going to invest in a region or cause where there is no political stability? This entire enterprise is just as I called it: a scam, make-believe success. Does one think the Kushners will be the first to donate a $1 million? Not! I still contend that there is no peace plan whatsoever. The current delay until November is apparently another “in two weeks” delay — just like the last six months and the six months before that. They have nothing after two years. This entire administration has been one big smoke and mirrors show to which trump stupid people have gladly accepted as reality. Welcome to stupid America!