
U.S.A.: Canary in the Coal Mine

According to Reuters, “Economic fears have escalated into grievances among 60% of people, with many believing hostile actions such as violence can be necessary to bring about change, according to a global poll by communications firm Edelman. … Four in 10 respondents approved of hostile acts to bring about change, including violence or threats, online attacks, intentionally spreading disinformation and damaging property, the survey showed. Among respondents aged 18 to 34, support for hostile actions was even higher at 53%. … Discontent stems from a lack of hope for the next generation, class divides among low- and high-income people, distrust in leaders including government officials, business executives and journalists, and confusion over credible information, the survey showed. … In Western democracies, respondents’ outlook for their countries being better for the next generation dropped to severe lows of 9% in France, 17% in the UK and 30% in the U.S., the survey found.”

Dictator Don’s ascent to the American throne is the embodiment of the results of this broader, global survey, and everyone should take note and fear our future, for it is clear more and more people across the liberal, democratic world (e.g., the UK, France, and the U.S.) are fed up with democracy and liberal ideas; and these morons are willing to destroy their governments to satisfy their grievances. Of course, while these idiots may be displeased and frustrated with the current state of affairs of their democratic government, they have no f***ing clue just how bad things will become under another form of government (i.e., authoritarianism). But, as I have said many times already, people have had it too good since the end of World War II and the Cold War; they have no idea how bad things can get when a form of government takes over that could not care less about the general populace. Americans, though, are about to find out if they are smart enough to learn their lesson (they’re not!). So, I guess the Americans and the rest of the world are going to “learn” the hard way. Welcome to stupid America! Mark my words!