
The U.S.A. Is Going to Default, Mark My Words!

From CNN, “Pressed on whether he would be to blame for a default scenario, Biden said that based on what he’s offered, he should be blameless but conceded that ‘no one will be blameless’ as he suggested some of his political rivals could be encouraging a default to sabotage his reelection efforts. ‘I think there are some MAGA Republicans in the House who know the damage it would do to the economy, and because I am president, and a president is responsible for everything, Biden would take the blame and that’s the one way to make sure Biden’s not reelected,’ he said.” So! It looks like Biden finally understands RepubliKKKlans’ true intentions. I’m unsure why he hasn’t made this point from the beginning. Even though I have previously stated that Biden has no choice but to try negotiating with the terrorist RepubliKKKlan Party, he should have been prepping Americans for conservatives’ ulterior motives in these debt “talks”: RepubliKKKlans want America to default because they can blame it on Biden, and they would be right in thinking Americans are going to blame Biden more than anyone else because Americans are that f***ing stupid — they truly are!

So, get ready, f***tards. Conventional wisdom on this topic is out the window and has been ever since traitor trump was elected; not sure why political pundits have yet to understand this fact. And I’m not sure why the markets have yet to react — that will start to change as of today. Mark my words! Come the first of June, America will fail to pay its bills, and half of America will be like this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. How far and how deep the default will be is unknown. But probably not that far or that long. More than likely, just as in the private sector, America’s creditors will be the first to get paid (or will be protected) — that is, interest payments on treasury bills and notes. Those who will suffer first are probably federal employees who may not get paid on time. Maybe this lasts for a few days or a week, depending on how quickly the devastation sets in, but no matter how brief or shallow the disruption the debt ceiling breach, the damage will be done, for the inherent market risk premium will spread throughout the economy and that cannot be easily undone. If you thought inflation was high a year ago, just wait, f***tards. Whatever happens, will be enough for RepubliKKKlans to claim in a political ad that Biden is the first-ever president to cause America to default on its debt. And it will work! Look, f***tards! This is all pure RepubliKKKlan revenge! Traitor trump was the first president to be impeached twice — rightly — and now RepubliKKKlans will make sure Biden is the first president to default on our debt. It’s that f***ing simple!

But whatever! No one cares! This is precisely the government the people wanted when they gave control of the House to RepubliKKKlans. Not sure why f***tard voters expected something different. RepubliKKKlans wish to destroy America, so traitor trump becomes the white knight in shining armor, and idiots of America will blindly believe him just as they did before because voters are morons. Welcome to stupid America! We’ve already run out of time. Oh, well!