From The Independent, “Donald Trump is risking world peace by siding with North Korea, China and Belarus in refusing to condemn Vladimir Putin, senior Tories have claimed. In a chilling warning, former deputy prime minster Lord Heseltine said the US president risks forming a “new axis’ which will reward Russia and its allies. He spoke out after the Trump administration, alongside the three dictatorships, rejected a UN General Assembly resolution against Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine which was backed by Europe and most other nations.”
I have never hated my own country more than I do today under the Dictator Don administration. And I have never hated a group of people more than RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. My hatred for these people runs deep; it is unabiding and unconditional. More pointedly, I hate you for being you. Or, I guess, to be a tat more generous, I loathe you for your decision to align yourself with such vile groups. People like you can never be forgiven. There is no redemption possible for you idiots. In my mind, you have crossed the Rubicon with your affiliation; you made your vote loud and clear. Now, face the consequences. And the derision you’ve brought upon the United States of America is unforgivable. With your vote, America is now a part of the Axis of Evil. Un-f***ing-believable! I wish you would all die, and let me be absolutely clear and let it be said in no uncertain terms: Take your Second Amendment right, stick it in your mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger! Welcome to stupid America! This is what f***tards of America voted for, and they are slowly finding out! Oh, well. America: Too f***ing stupid to survive!