According to reporting from the Independent, “Canada’s air traffic system suffered a similar outage to the one that occurred in the US for a brief period on Wednesday. US air travel was badly disrupted by the failure of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Notice to Air Missions system (NOTAM) overnight on Tuesday, forcing a full ground stop of domestic aviation on Wednesday morning. Nav Canada, the Canadian national air navigation service provider, released a statement just after 12:30 pm as US airlines struggled to resume normal service.”
I have no idea why the idiot MSM is not connecting the dots on these stories. People want to be willfully ignorant at their own peril. This was a coordinated cyber attack on two NATO members. Full stop! Granted, this was not a devastating episode, which is why everyone is just brushing this off. But this is how a more significant attack starts. The enemy was just probing for weaknesses. And guess what? They found one, fucktards. Lord knows what malware they left behind that can spread and infect other systems at the time of their choosing. Remember Stuxnet? Of course, the government may never admit to what they uncover because that would be the quickest way to kill the airline industry and the economy, as everyone fears their plane may fall out of the sky randomly. But his is serious, folks. Mark my words. Nance’s Law: Coincidence Takes A lot of Planning! Welcome to stupid America.