One appropriate use for quoting RawStory: “In the most recent excerpt from his interview with ABC host George Stephanopoulos, President Donald Trump expressed skepticism at the existence of UFOs despite recent revelations from the Pentagon of sightings.” It is one of the rare instances when traitor trump is not talking crazy. Yes, there are UFOs, but none of these sightings is from an alien life form. Let me be particularly clear on this topic: there is no such thing as alien visitors to this planet and to believe such nonsense means a person is a f***ing G.D. idiot of the highest order! The universe is so vast (incomprehensibly vast) that travel among intelligent alien life forms is assuredly impossible, and if it were possible then such extraterrestrials would be so advanced that either we are insignificant to them or we would have already been converted to copper tops and never know it. So, to think that aliens have visited us is absurd and clearly in the realm of conspiracy idiots and the like. Welcome to stupid America! We believe anything such as Elvis is still alive and traitor trump is a good president.