Ugh! — Now I Agree with Liz Cheney

Liz Cheney tweets: “The Trump/Biden calamity unfolding in Afghanistan began with the Trump administration negotiating with terrorists and pretending they were partners for peace, and is ending with American surrender as Biden abandons the country to our terrorist enemies.” I promise that I am not turning into a conservative, but I am not afraid to call a spade a spade when I see it, and Biden screwed up royally and perhaps irredeemably. Full! F***ing! Stop! No excuses! No sugarcoating! No exceptions! This debacle just cost us the midterm elections, to be sure, and the 2024 presidential election. Of course, I could go on about the irony of a Cheney commenting on the war that Bush II and Dick, the dick, Cheney botched ever since they diverted attention from Afghanistan to Iraq. That’s when the real mess started. I’ll save those thoughts for another post.