
Um, Yes!

According to CNN, “The University of Georgia’s football team has turned down an invitation to meet with President Joe Biden at the White House, and people are crazy mad. Or they’re very happy. … The Athens Banner-Herald reported that the team, in a statement on Tuesday, cited a scheduling conflict. … Georgia players and fans have criticized the White House for not inviting the Bulldogs to meet with the president last year when the team won the first of two successive national championships. (Covid protocols kept the White House from extending an invitation last year.) … The truth is, the whole sports-team-visits-White House ritual should probably be retired. Sadly, we – the people – can no longer handle it. We are too immature and too divided [emphasis added].”

Um, yes! This opinion writer nailed it. Americans are too immature, ergo stupid! It’s just that f***ing simple. Clearly, the football snubbed Biden. When the White House extends an invitation, then there is no such thing as a “scheduling conflict.” And clearly, the team is acting petulant because COVID prevented an invitation last year, not that Biden didn’t want to. If anything, the Biden schedule has to find time to invite a stupid G.D. football team to the White House as if he has no other more important matters to tend to, but still, they find time for these players to visit because, you know, sports! So, for those players who actually wanted to visit the White House, oh well. Apparently, their politically motivated coach had other more important signals to send. That said, who f***ing cares if they got invited or not? And, yes, morons of America are too stupid by getting hung up on this trivial B.S. It is what it is. So what? If sports teams want to make a political statement, then so be it. We get it, but that’s no reason to get upset over it. We see you! These conservative Southern coaches are precisely who we knew they were. Welcome to stupid America!