Unforgivable Gormlessness

From an excellent article on Axios, “Voters who supported Barack Obama in 2012 and then Donald Trump in 2016 are sick of Trump, saying in a focus group here that they’re getting tired of his ‘lies’ and the way he treats people. … Adam K., a 47-year-old Obama/Trump voter, said he wishes Trump would own the things he’s lied about. ‘He’s been caught in a lot of lies. … You know, just admit that you made a mistake and say “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”’ … Amanda S., a 39-year-old Obama/Trump voter, said: ‘He’s getting stuff done, but he lies. I don’t think he’s a very good person, but he’s getting stuff done, so it’s hard.’”

Oh, I especially love these ultimate traitor trump voting morons! I’ve come across several of these “regretful” traitor trump voting panel articles, and they are typically the same collection of idiots and closet bigots expressing some sort of buyer’s remorse; people are surprised and disappointed that traitor trump has turned out to be exactly the type of person the remaining non-idiots thought he would. They’re still waiting for him to pivot to “presidential” as he calls white nationalists fine people. I’m not sure what presidential campaign idiot-man Adam had been watching in the 2-year run up to the 2016 election, but traitor trump lied throughout and suddenly he’s surprised. Un-f***ing-believable! How do these people get so f***ing stupid?

Then there is moron Amanda who is torn between traitor trump the “not a good person” and traitor trump the “getting stuff done” president. Let’s be absolutely clear about something: “getting stuff done” is code for getting conservative judges appointed because other than that he has accomplished nothing. Unless, of course, one considers withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement or cutting taxes for the rich or rolling back environmental protection policies or starting trade wars or inciting worldwide white rage violence getting stuff done. Maybe Amanda is a confused moron who actually thinks hundreds of miles of a new wall have been built and paid for by Mexico. Maybe she thinks the North Korean problem really is solved. Maybe she thinks GM really is bringing jobs back to the U.S.A. Maybe she thinks traitor trump really is reducing the deficit and national debt. No matter. In any case, these traitor trump voters are about as smart as the piece of crap I picked up from my dog today. Voting for traitor trump is unforgivable. Seriously, if these people are too stupid to have properly judged traitor trump before they voted for him then there is no hope. They are MAGA morons all the same, and they just so happen to have voted for Obama–more a serendipitous accomplishment than an intentional one. There is absolutely no internal mental consistency in voting for Obama and then traitor trump unless the person had a lobotomy between voting. Welcome to stupid America where we take our chances with voting! F*** me!