Veeps Stake

It is high-larious to watch the MSM punditry try to divine who traitor trump will pick for his running mate, and it is equally high-larious that the MSM thinks everyone on the “shortlist” has an equal chance of being selected. I’m here to tell you, f***tards, that for all those candidates posturing and GoT-maneuvering their way to the top of the so-called shortlist, most of them are never (were never) going to be considered seriously by traitor trump, namely those who are colored or female. There is no f***ing way that he is going to pick a woman (Stefanik), a Black guy (Scott, Carson), a Hispanic (Cruz, Rubio), or any other non-white guy as a vice presidential running mate. It’s fanciful and, indeed, farcical for anyone (i.e., the MSM) to believe otherwise. (And it only goes to show that the MSM et al. still don’t understand traitor trump. They can’t not stop giving him the benefit of the doubt as if expecting him to become presidential one day.)

So, that really only leaves a few choices remaining: Vance, Cotton, Burgum. Vance and Cotton are too young and possibly too popular and represent the party’s future; either one would take the shine off of traitor trump and make him look older and less relevant. That only leaves Burgum, who is basically milk toast and will blend into the background — precisely where traitor trump wants him. (Burgum, who? Exactly!) Like Pence, traitor trump wants Burgum to be passive and irrelevant. Most importantly, Burgum “looks the part,” which, of course, is the only way to select the successor to the most powerful person in the world. He’s got great hair, and I’m sure traitor trump will make some reference to “central casting” for his reasoning in selecting Burgum because, of course! I would expect nothing less from this country of morons that elected an idiot president. Moreover, it will be lost on everyone that no matter how much MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks praise their Dear Leader for not being a racist and misogynist, he will refuse at every turn to surround himself with those who are not white cis men, especially the vice president. His cabinet, as in his last administration, will be 95 percent white men, and still, this sh*t-for-brains country will proclaim him to be one of the least bigoted presidents ever by — wait for it, wait for it — those minority groups (Hispanic and Blacks) in America that voted for him in greater numbers in 2024 than in 2020. But, whatever! I give up. This country, I fear, needs to suffer before f***tards of America wake the f*** up and realize what traitor trump intends to do with our democracy: Burn it to the ground. Sadly, it will be too late. No one cares! Welcome to stupid America! The dumbest it’s ever been, yet somehow still not dumb enough.