Very Well Put

From Slate, “Why, despite the warnings, is Sanders still winning? One reason is that a lot of people like him and what he stands for. Another reason is that other candidates are splitting the votes of moderate Democrats, leaving him with a plurality on the left. But there’s a third reason: Socialism doesn’t freak out Democratic voters the way it freaks out other Americans. On this subject, Democrats are very different not just from Republicans, but also from independents, who represent about 40 percent of Americans and about 30 percent of the electorate. Socialism is a loser among independents, and this makes it a liability in a general election. But Democrats don’t feel an aversion to socialism. So perhaps they don’t see the extent of the political danger.”

Very well said, and certainly better than I could have stated. This is not f***ing brain surgery! Dumbass Democrats — the average voter, sadly — refuses to support and vote strategically for the candidate to beat traitor trump. Instead of voting for the candidate that must appeal to Independents, the Democratic Primary process has become a purity test for which one is the most socialist. Again, I’ll repeat myself: I believe in capitalism and I believe in the need for more socialism in America, especially health care because a healthy citizenry is a national asset, but I understand that Americans do not want nor are they ready for a revolution even though the country is in desperate need of one; this is a Democratic pipe dream with the argument being that if Democrats don’t aim high and idealistically then change will never happen. Ugh! F*** me! Wrong, wrong, wrong! So f***ing G.D. wrong! As with everything, if one cannot win then one cannot change anything. I’m sorry to say that at this point we need to aim for the bare minimum to achieve victory. But, no! Dumbass Democrats can’t think beyond the first election, which is why RepubliKKKlans have finally won a permanent position in the Senate and a majority on SCOTUS — because of the long game. F*** me. Welcome to stupid America. It’s all downhill from here.