In My Legal Opinion Purely Moronic


Veni, vidi, vici! I quote at length from The Hill, “It is hard to overstate what a critical crossroad the challenge to Roe presents not only for abortion but for so many of our other most cherished constitutional rights. … The assumption that we would continue to enjoy our other fundamental constitutional rights to privacy as well as choice in our most important personal decisions free of unwarranted government intrusion, overlooks that the Constitution does not expressly mention any of these rights, including matters affecting marriage, family relationships, child rearing, education, procreation, intimate relationships, private consensual sexual conduct, contraception and medical treatment. States have tried to regulate every one of them. And many of those efforts have failed only because, in a long line of decisions going back to the 19th century, the Supreme Court has, as in Roe, made clear that the concept of liberty guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment includes the same rights of privacy, individual dignity, physical autonomy, bodily integrity and the freedom to make intimate choices that define personal identity and beliefs, on which the right to abortion also rests. … But if the court now overturns Roe, it will base its decision on the fact that abortion, like all of these other rights, is not expressly mentioned in the Constitution. That is exactly what the three current Republican-appointed justices who joined the court before Trump was president said six years ago about the right to same-sex marriage, when they dissented from the court’s landmark 5-to-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges that held that individuals of the same sex have a constitutional right to marry [emphasis added].”

I am not a trained lawyer, but I am a prolific reader and on occasion, I actually read legal opinions, mostly from SCOTUS. So, I am well-read and I generally speak about matters with which I have beyond a passing familiarity. Everything the lawyer writes in the quote above is everything I’ve been warning f***tards of America about since the day RBG died, with my first post titled Catastrophic!. And then more here, here, here, and here. I will repeat myself again: Citizens are going to be very surprised when SCOTUS starts repealing rights they thought they had been guaranteed in the Constitution but were never really there because Roe was that stone wall holding back a theocratic court of white straight men telling the rest of us how to live. Oh, well. Overturning Roe impacts all of us, but America is too stupid and apathetic to understand the gravity of what is about to ensue. By the time the majority of Americans realize what’s happening it will be far too late. The Hill article by a lawyer vindicates everything I — the layman — have been screaming at you for well over a year. You were warned then and you’re warned now; I suspect no one cares, still. I guess no one will believe until after the catastrophe comes to pass. Welcome to stupid America. Need I say more?