Virginia Is a Red State Now — Lock, Stock, and Barrel

From Axios, “Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed 11 executive orders following his swearing in ceremony on Saturday, including those that overturn Virginia’s mask mandate for public schools and a COVID vaccination requirement for state workers. Youngkin also signed an order that bans the teaching of critical race theory, a major focus of the 2021 campaign. Another one of the order effectively withdrawals the state from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a program with neighboring states intended to reduce carbon pollution.”

Next, abortion and LGBTQ rights will be on the chopping block. The RepubliKKKlan wish list to reverse years of Democratic policies is underway and happening with haste. In the era of traitor trump, there is no such thing as a moderate RepubliKKKlan. They are all extremists. Mark my words. Virginia is no longer a blue state; this is what the people wanted — like it or not. And when I say people, I mean everyone except those who voted against Youngkin. So, that means RepubliKKKlan voters and those who didn’t vote; this is the state they want to live in. Oh, well. Clearly, Democrats didn’t vote in the same numbers that they did for Biden to keep Youngkin out of office, so now they’re stuck with all conservative rule, all the time. Democrats will never learn. I don’t know what it is about Democrats and left-leaning Independents who always seem to think it will never get that bad when a RepubliKKKlan is in office. These idiots need to vote blue no matter who every time in every election, not just when they feel like it. I promise you, RepubliKKKlans never miss a vote. I’d hate to be a Democrat living in this newly cemented red state who did vote. RepubliKKKlans having taken power will ensure every future election going forward is never going to be fair to Democrats. Be careful of your apathy and be careful what you wish because you just might get it! Welcome to stupid America!