Voters Don’t Care: Survey Says (I Infer)

According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll, “Issues don’t substantively differentiate intended turnout. For example, among registered voters who call abortion a top issue, 75 percent say they’re certain to vote, while among those who call the economy a top issue, an almost-identical 74 percent say they’ll vote. Indeed, on abortion, supporters of the Supreme Court ruling are more apt than its critics to say voting is more important to them in this election than in previous midterms, 73 vs. 64 percent. Also, 76 percent of the ruling’s supporters say they’re certain to vote, as are 70 percent of its opponents.”

I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep telling you f***tards. Abortion will not save Democrats in the midterms, and this poll is just one more data point that dumbass Democrats need to wake the f*** up. I know that they know it’s “the economy, stupid.” It always has been and always will be. People would rather be less free but have a paycheck. Review all of history or witness the world’s current state of affairs. Americans will not care about their freedoms until it’s too late. As long as they worry about money and jobs, then they are oblivious to their eroding liberties. If Americans lack said money and jobs, then they will gladly give up others’ freedoms (e.g., abortion rights) with great alacrity to safeguard their greed and lifestyles. Mark my words, morons. Oh, and f*** climate change, apparently!

Also reported in this survey is the tie in a Biden-traitor trump match-up because, of course! I’ve been saying this for years: People don’t care. Americans would happily welcome traitor trump back into office despite everything they have witnessed and know. The 2024 race would be as if nothing happened with COVID, January 6th, stolen secret documents, and everything else relating to traitor trump. Because America is too stupid to survive! I keep telling all you f***tards! The fact that traitor trump should ever be tied with Biden is incomprehensible unless one apprehends the abject stupidity of America. Then everything makes sense. And don’t think for one second that if (when) the next presidential election is close, RepubliKKKlans will steal it. They will not make the same mistakes as those in 2020. Mark my words, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America!