‘Wake Up, America. This Is Who We Are.’

From Politico, “If we’re to place America’s fragile democracy on stronger ground, we must first acknowledge that for most of our national history, large pockets of the United States have been violently minoritarian — designed to empower a white minority to govern over the diverse majority. What transpired on Wednesday was both tragic and entirely in keeping with American tradition.”

Of course, this is who we are! I’ve been saying it forever. Politico got it absolutely right! And if I have to hear one more f***ing G.D. politician claim that with every tragic domestic event “this is not who we are,” then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. Why are stupid people speaking? F*** me! I feel like a f***ing broken record, repeating the same manifest truths about America. Apparently, only moron politicians — usually dumbass Democrats — are unable to look at America and see it for what it is. This is all part of the liberal mindset problem of eternal optimism. They constantly see past the vileness and ugliness of America to focus on the good. Look, morons! If one cannot see the threat right in front of them, then the threat will only grow worse. Ugh! I can’t!

Yes! This is America: Racist! Homophobic! Misogynistic! Xenophobic! Jingoistic! Moronic! Naturally, I am not saying everyone is all of these things, but enough are. In fact, probably most are not some of these things, but enough are. As I have said time and time again, at least 42 percent of this country is some or all of these things and that is enough of a minority to be a deadly majority in politics; America has hundreds of years of practice of being a nation where the minority rules over the majority. We are literally a nation of tyranny by the minority, and lookout when the minority becomes threatened! Witness the election of traitor trump. Moreover, America was founded on the ideals of religious bigotry and racism; it was founded by a religious minority group, having been purged in England, that brought their experiences with tyranny to America. Our history has been one long example whereby the founders and their successors transferred to America the means of tyranny from which they fled in England.

The country has never evolved. We are still living the consequences of the original sin of slavery. Indeed, religion was used to justify slavery and to vanquish Native Americans. We had the opportunity to purge the nation of slavery sentiments during the Civil War, but Lincoln and Johnson f***ed that up. Lincoln was wrong to even consider reconciliation before his death. Naturally, Johnson elevated reconciliation to absolution. In short, the South was physically defeated, but the ideals of white people ruling over black people and Native Americans were never conquered. There was never any attempt to overcome such sentiments. No! Instead, Confederate traitors became revered by future generations because America never really wanted to defeat slavery and all of its subsequent sins; it was only transformed to different institutions such as Jim Crow, voter suppression, and the presidency of traitor trump. As I have long said, there are only two reasons to vote for traitor trump: You are a racist or you are a moron (or mostly like both). Full stop! There is no in-between. Welcome to trump stupid America. They’re not going anywhere!