
Walgreen Caves, More to Follow

From Politico, “The nation’s second-largest pharmacy chain confirmed Thursday that it will not dispense abortion pills in several [20] states where they remain legal — acting out of an abundance of caution amid a shifting policy landscape, threats from state officials and pressure from anti-abortion activists. Nearly two dozen Republican state attorneys general wrote to Walgreens in February, threatening legal action if the company began distributing the drugs, which have become the nation’s most popular method for ending a pregnancy. … The group of Republican attorneys general, who argue that the Biden administration is misinterpreting the laws around mailing and dispensing abortion pills, also wrote to CVS, Albertsons, Rite Aid, Costco, Walmart and Kroger demanding they, too, refuse to dispense the medication.”

The end is upon us, morons. Rest assured that this is what voters wanted! Oh, yes! You heard me correctly. This is exactly what people wanted. This is the unfolding consequences of electing traitor trump. I have written on this countless times. I predicted this the day RBG died. In fact, I will even concede this is beyond what I could have imagined. I knew Roe would be overturned and the anti-abortion crazies would not stop there, but I did not think they would start threatening businesses. (So much for the party of big business.) It is just a matter of time before other companies follow Walgreens to avoid costly litigation. Oh, well.

I actually cheer the decision by Walgreens, and I hope the rest of those companies being threatened also stop selling abortion pills. Oh, yes! You read that correctly! This is nothing new to my tens and tens of readers. I have said this before on many occasions. It’s not that I’m anti-abortion. I am very pro-choice. Government should stay the f*** out of women’s healthcare. Such decisions are between her, the doctor, and God. But I don’t know of any other way for women (and their male supporters) to wake the f*** up because I don’t think the consequences of the Dobbs decision have sunk in yet. It clearly has not moved the needle enough. Again, I ask, what party controls the House? Enough said! I don’t think people are going to f***ing understand until all women’s rights are lost. I think we must return to the 1950s before women finally f***ing get it, and even then, I don’t think it will be enough.

Sadly, in many respects, it’s already too late. The RepubliKKKlan Party is an uncontrolled runaway train that will not stop until every abortion and pre-abortion (contraceptive) are made illegal, and women either go to jail for attempting an abortion or die trying. People have been too stupid and too apathetic that they fell asleep at the wheel, and now women are destined to be second-class citizens — again. Oh, well! You people were warned when traitor trump ran in 2016, yet you f***tards just kinda didn’t care to care. In a way, you kinda brought this on yourself. So, I can’t care about your poor decisions. Am I blaming the victims? Probably. Sometimes we don’t learn until we’ve lost everything. Unless and until women rise up and take back their government, nothing will change except the erosion of women’s bodily autonomy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Welcome to stupid America.