
Warning: Debt Default

The Associated Press reports, “Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen notified Congress on Monday that the U.S. could default on its debt as early as June 1, if legislators do not raise or suspend the nation’s borrowing authority before then and avert what could potentially become a global financial crisis.” Will America default on its debt? Probably. The fact that I cannot definitively say no to such a question is the problem. I have no doubt that RepubliKKKlans don’t care if America defaults, for they see it as a win for them and a way to hurt Biden and help traitor trump. It really is just that simple.

RepubliKKKlans want the economy in a recession (or worse) in the lead-up to the next presidential election because they know people vote with their wallets in mind above any other considerations. They will blame Biden and Democrats even though they are the ones holding the debt ceiling hostage. Never mind that whenever a RepubliKKKlan is president and the Congress is divided, Democrats readily help RepubliKKKlans pass clean debt limit increase legislation. Never mind any of that. In fact, we don’t even have to actually default; we merely need to get close, as was the case during Obama’s presidency. Recall in 2011, a Democratic president and a RepubliKKKlan-held Congress went right up to the threshold. As a result, America lost its prized AAA credit rating, downgraded to AA-plus. While RepubliKKKlans held the debt ceiling captive under Obama and now under Biden, it never happened under traitor trump despite Democrats controlling the House for the last two years of his term. Increasing the debt limit was never an issue under Democratic control of Congress, but f***tards of America voted for RepubliKKKlans to retake the House, and look what happens. It never f***ing fails! If there is one thing RepubliKKKlans can count on from voters after years of practice and experience, it is this: They understand that voters are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order with no long-term memory. Conservatives are beating on the Pavlovian response of f***tards: Biden debt default — bad. Traitor trump no debt default — no bad. Vote for no bad. Welcome to stupid America! We get the government we deserve and desire. We never learn!