
Warning: Democrats Will Lose in November

I will concede first that I think Real Clear Politics leans slightly right, but the graph above is an average of polls, so I cannot detect any thumb on the scale. That said, I will repeat what I said several days ago: Democrats are losing momentum. They peaked too early, and they are going to lose the House — for certain — and now I think the Senate is lost too. Mark my words, f***tards. And it does not matter if RepubliKKKlans win the House by only a handful of seats compared to the dozens and dozens of seats projected back in Spring. It is not a f***ing “victory” for dumbass Democrats to declare that they only lost ten seats instead of 40. That is stupid thinking, and dumbass Democrats are experts at it! If RepubliKKKlans take back the House with only one seat to spare, then it is a total loss and an unmitigated disaster for America’s democracy. But I can already hear idiot Democrats crowing about how they came close to winning. Un-f***ing-believable! Only in stupid America do Democrats want credit for coming close.

Then there is the Senate. I also said several days ago that my expectations have changed for dumbass Democrats, and my intuition is only getting stronger. RepubliKKKlans are going to retake the Senate. Mark my words, f***tards. Roe is not going to save Democrats during the midterms. Women are not going to save Democrats because, as I have said repeatedly — abortion rights are always someone else’s problem. And if you just consider women who are sensitive to this issue, then perhaps the 60 percent — say — who are concerned about preserving their bodily autonomy may vote Democratic, but the remaining 40 percent against abortion rights certainly will vote RepubliKKKlan. It never fails. And the youth vote is not going to save Democrats. Enthusiasm is not going to save Democrats, for Democrats are enthusiastic every four years while RepubliKKKlans are energized 24/7.

When the races are this close, when the polls are this close, and when the percentage of undecided voters exceeds the gap between Democrats and RepubliKKKlans, then RepubliKKKlans are always favored. Always! The undecided voters break RepubliKKKlan. How many times must I say it? How many f*** times? When people vote in the privacy and secrecy of the polling booth, they voter conservative. Mark my words! The end starts in November. Welcome to stupid America! We never learn until it’s too late. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.