Watch Le Pen

From Reuters, “French President Emmanuel Macron would beat Marine Le Pen in the country’s presidential election later this month, though Le Pen has gained ground in recent weeks, showed an Ipsos Sopra Steria Cevipof poll for Le Monde newspaper. The poll showed Macron would lead in the first round of votes on April 10, with 26.5% versus 21.5% for Le Pen in second place. Those figures compared to 28% for Macron and 17.5% for Le Pen in the last poll conducted March 21-24, said Ipsos Sopra Steria Cevipof. Macron would then beat Le Pen in the second round run-off vote on April 24 by 54% to 46%.”

I am not familiar with elections in France, so I can only comment based on what I read, without the benefit of any insight to read between the lines. Suffice it to say, Le Pen gaining on Macron especially given Russia’s war on Ukraine is alarming given Le Pen is being bankrolled by Putin, and she, like traitor trump, is anti-UN and pro-Russia. She is a far-right candidate running on populist, xenophobic, racist, and a “France First” agenda. Sound familiar? This is dangerous, and this “My Country First” mentality is a rising danger worldwide. Of course, there is nothing wrong with putting one’s country first; I would expect nothing less. The problem is that this mentality is more malignant. It is not just “My Country First”; it is also “My Country Only” with strong strains of white nationalism and unmitigated hatred. It is the type of thinking that Putin is exploiting, and it is this mentality that will destroy the current world order. Trust me when I say you do not want the current world order to dissolve. And by current world order, I mean countries being allowed to self-determine without endangering the rest of the world. And when I say “world order” I do not mean some nefarious cabal of Jews pulling the strings, f***tards. Ugh! If anyone thought that, then I hate you and your conspiracy ladened cheese-holed brain. I have more to say on this, but let’s see how the elections in France play out first. If Le Pen wins, then it will be the beginning of the end of liberal democracies around the world. This race is the quintessential canary in the coal mine.