Watch the Language, Mister!

According to The Hill, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday warned of a coming ‘Cold War’ between Florida and Georgia if Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams wins the gubernatorial election in the state. During a press conference in Gulf County, in Florida’s northwest, DeSantis referenced the ongoing Master’s Tournament in Georgia, using it as an apparent segue into discussing the state’s elections. DeSantis said he ‘really appreciates our Georgians’ but voters would have to ‘take care’ of the 2022 election to prevent Abrams from winning.”

Civil war is coming, folks! I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say it or how much more proof I need to share. Granted, it’s not happening tomorrow, but I think it will happen within the next two presidential cycles. When you have the governor of a major state like Flordia basically threatening Georgian voters with a “Cold War” if they don’t vote right, then it is a serious, serious warning that political leaders are not only alluding to war outright — cold or otherwise — but thy are also willing to escalate the rhetoric. With DeSantis, in particular, the hatred toward fellow American citizens is more pronounced and alarming. Words matter, morons! RepubliKKKlans truly hate the other side. There is no mild contempt they hold for all the “others.” And for RepubliKKKlans, politics is either rule or be ruled, and they will not be ruled! Americans really need to wake the f*** up and start paying attention to the decline of America, for in the nation’s fracturing lies war! You don’t need a 50/50 split to warrant war. A 60/40 split works just as well. Welcome to stupid America!