We Are Headed for Civil War, People

From Forbes, “Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) on Sunday made comments promoting conspiracy theories about vaccines and the 2020 election, defending Capitol rioters and appearing to endorse more Jan. 6-style rallies, even warning of ‘bloodshed’ over Republicans’ baseless election fraud claims. … After briefly brandishing a shotgun, Cawthorn said if elections ‘continue to be stolen,’ it will ‘lead to one place, and that’s bloodshed,’ adding that he is ‘willing to defend liberty at all costs’ and would dread taking ‘arms against a fellow American.’”

Hello, dumbass Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Independents! You are all f***ing asleep while MAGA morons, QAnon, and RepubliKKKlans prepare for civil war. Do not take Cawthorn’s comments lightly, for they are more in a long, long string of like-minded comments made by conservative politicians, white nationalist activists, right-wing media hosts, and other bigoted authoritarian community leaders (e.g. evil evangelicals, social media influencers, QAnon activists). This is the drumbeat, f***tards! And you idiots are still hoping for cooler heads, the rule of law, and democratic institutions to prevail. Are you f***ing kidding me?!?! The level of blind stupidity, naivete, “hope-y change-y” B.S., and other liberal feel-good beliefs that laugh off the “fringe” (not fringe anymore) and crazy (crazy is the new normal) as irrelevant and innocuous is infuriating. Hello, f***tards! The stars are finally aligning — traitor trump, SCOTUS, COVID, QAnon, the census (redistricting and blue states losing net seats), RepubliKKKlan dominance in the majority of state legislatures, social media doing everything they do, and a weak Democratic Party being themselves. Momentum is gaining. RepubliKKKlans have spent decades perfecting their rally cries, political tactics, and most of all legal and political wrangling to bring us to the point where they can pull the trigger (steal elections and engage in political violence) and the system will not fail their (no longer lost) cause because Democrats are too stupid and incompetent to stop them. Case in point: Garland’s DOJ has been completely inept to hold the January 6th terrorists fully accountable, thereby emboldening American insurrectionists and their enablers while Democrats are lulled into a false sense of security by having won in 2020. Mark my words, f***tards. Democrats are digging their own graves because they are clueless and asleep to the relentless threat that is the RepubliKKKlan Party. The country is dying and the killing hasn’t even started yet!

If Afghanistan has taught us anything, then it is that the side with the greatest will wins. How much will do you think RepubliKKKlans have compared to Democrats? Enough said. Welcome to stupid America. We’re f***ed!