We Had an Infrastructure Deal?

From USA Today, “President Joe Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure deal risked losing Republican supporters Friday just one day after an agreement was reached as GOP senators accused the president of blindsiding them with a major condition. After he announced the deal Thursday, Biden said he would only sign the $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal into law if Congress also passes a multi-trillion-dollar package focused on ‘human infrastructure’ programs like subsidized child care, home caregiving and climate change that only Democrats support.” In short, this deal is never going to happen. Mark my words! Dumbass Democrats are still in this state of mind that RepubliKKKlans will allow a Biden legislative win or that bipartisanship is actually a thing that works. A bipartisan infrastructure deal cannot happen without Democrats supporting it, which cannot happen with the current agreement (although the details of the deal have not actually been written into a bill, nevermind that technicality — *rolling eyes*) unless “human infrastructure” is done concurrently (linked), which is a non-starter for RepubliKKKlans. And, of course, “human infrastructure” will never happen because it doesn’t even have 50 Democratic votes to get through reconciliation. RepubliKKKlans are just looking for a reason to scuttle the deal and — wait for it, wait for it — blame Democrats. See, it’s Democrats’ fault that bipartisanship can’t work; they will claim. And the public will believe them because they’ll keep repeating it until most people do believe through sheer osmosis. And there you have the next RepubliKKKlan campaign talking point: Those socialist, leftist, radical Democrats are incompetent in power, so vote RepubliKKKlan. And people will believe! And maybe they are right! I can’t!

So, I have no idea what dimension of chess dumbass Democrats and Biden are playing, but by any calculation, there are not enough votes for any combination of “human infrastructure,” “traditional infrastructure,” +/-10 RepubliKKKlans, +/-40 Democrats, $1.2 trillion, $6 trillion, increase taxes, don’t increase taxes, one first and the other later or vice versa. Not even eliminating the filibuster can fix this problem. The only fix is to elect more Democrats to Congress, which should be the one and only rally cry from dumbass Democrats. They should be screaming to the public that if they want anything to get done in Washington, then they need to elect more Democrats to the House and Senate (and locally too). But no! Instead they are wasting time on “bipartisanship” and filibuster talk, believing Manchin and Sinema will budge on the issue. They won’t, and they are not the only Democrats in opposition — they’re just the darlings of the MSM. (And to be clear, I agree with keeping the filibuster because Democrats are not strong enough to wield the power unleashed by removing or changing it, but RepubliKKKlans would certainly undue everything if given a filibuster-free Senate. But I digress.) So in the end, go figure: Dumbass Democrats have no idea how to message. Whatever! I give up. Looks like it will be infrastructure week next week, too (again). And again and again ala the traitor trump administration! Welcome to stupid America!