We Need More Social Darwinism Justice

From NBC, “The 20-year-old man who sparked an active-shooter panic at a Missouri Walmart when he walked into the store in a ballistic vest and carrying an AR-style rifle told police he wanted to see whether the retailer ‘honored the 2nd Amendment,’ police said in court documents.” Only in the dumbest country on the planet do morons walk around thinking they need to test if businesses and citizens “honor” the Second Amendment. God-f***ing-d*mnit. Seriously! M*****f***ing G.D. Scheiße-for-brains f**tarded idiots! I just f***ing can’t take the level of stupidity America has devolved into as we just seem to blithely accept one domestic terrorist attack after another as simply part of the “price of freedom” B.S. excuse. What they need to do with this f***tarded a**hole is drop him off on a deserted island with a handgun, and then he can decide just how quickly he wants to use it! F*** him! Fuck his Second Amendment rights! F*** every moronic nutjob who thinks the Second Amendment means impunity to do anything, everywhere. F*** RepubliKKKlans! F*** MAGA morons! F*** the NRA! As far as I am concerned we should deport all of them to an island with their guns and let them work it out. We don’t want them here! Welcome to trump stupid America. It gets dumber by the day! Wake up America! So much stupidity! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people.