‘Weird’ — Really?

I think this headline and byline from a Politico article captures the shift in focus well: “How Trump and Vance went from a ‘threat to democracy’ to ‘weird’; With Harris at the top of the ticket, Democrats shift to a simpler characterization of Trump.” I have never in my life seen Democrats coalesce around a single message so quickly, uniformly, and consistently. From Harris campaign surrogates to liberal talk show hosts, ‘weird’ was the word of the day. I’m just not sure it’s the right course of action, or, perhaps more precisely, I can’t believe ‘weird’ is the messaging that has gained so much traction. How is it that we’ve dumbed down Americans so much by going from a message of this presidential election as being a moment for citizens to rise up and save America’s democracy to calling RepubliKKKlans weirdos? And it’s working. Ugh! Call me incredulous, but using the word ‘weird’ belies the true seriousness of this election. But whatever, I guess. Welcome to stupid, ‘weird’ America!