‘Welcome to hell’

Source: CNN

Virginia and Virginians are going to be my new punching bag of citizen stupidity and “be careful what you wish for” incriminations. Virginia is my new go-to example of idiot voters failing to re-elect a Democratic governor because they’re still having a tantrum over COVID. Why haven’t Democrats fixed the pandemic yet!?!? So, the tantrum-ists go. F*** me! Once again, a RepubliKKKlan gets into office less so because RepubliKKKlans voted for him and more so because Democrats and Independents failed to vote against him. Apparently, 50.6 percent of the vote is a mandate that everyone must live with for — probably — ever. Oh, well. Slate put it perfectly: “Welcome to hell.” LOL. And as Dahlia Lithwick of Slate states in her piece, “I’m hardly the first to worry that states racing to enact ever more insane incursions on educational freedom and a teacher’s right to speak and book bans are destined to end in reprisals and mass resignations and bounty schemes and threats of violence. At this point, I must assume that such vigilantism is the point. Parents are frayed and starved for leadership. Some leaders have realized that the inflaming of tensions around masks garners votes. The problem is it also destabilizes government authority. Youngkin didn’t just turn student against student, parent against parent, or pit principals against educators and states against federal rules with the stroke of a pen the day he was sworn in. He personally modeled contempt for authority—he encouraged it and rewarded it. He did so in the full knowledge that he was essentially deputizing furious parents to follow only the kinds of laws they liked and conscripting their kids into participating.”

But wait! There is more! From Salon, “New Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin is begging Virginia parents to call his tip line to report teachers for teaching ‘divisive’ subjects. While they called it a tip line, the office only revealed an email [in] the press release: helpeducation@governor.virginia.gov. … ‘We’re asking for folks to send us reports and observations,’ Youngkin said, ‘help us be aware of … their child being denied their rights that parents have in Virginia, and we’re going to make sure we catalogue it all. … And that gives us further, further ability to make sure we’re rooting it out.’” This is straight-up Gestapo-style denouncing! Denounce your neighbors, family, and friends! Did Virginians expect anything less from a RepubliKKKlan governor? They are starting to call Youngkin traitor trump in a red vest as if that was completely unforeseeable before he was elected. During the campaign, people viewed him as a moderate RepubliKKKlan. Anyone with two eyes and two brain cells to rub together could have seen otherwise. Eh! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

At some point, I have to believe this really is what the stupid people of Virginia wanted. What am I to deduce when voters weighed the merits of the RepubliKKKlan Party and the Democratic Party and then voted for the RepubliKKKlan candidate? Or, worse still, voters considered both constituents and then decided not to vote at all. Acquiescing via a no vote is indeed a vote for the winner. What am I supposed to think? There is only one conclusion: This! Is! What! People! Want! Either through direct vote or indirectly by not voting. Once again, oh, well. As usual, by the time RepubliKKKlans get into office and start decreeing everything, then it’s too late for voter epiphanies. This week it is masks and vaccines. Next week it will be abortion and LGBTQ rights — the RepubliKKKlan playbook is right on schedule and completely as expected. Anyone who thought Youngkin was no traitor trump or not another extremist RepubliKKKlan is a moron. I guess Virginia is for morons and haters, not lovers! Voters, especially lazy Democrats and Independents, need to wake the f*** up! I’ll be watching this state closely. Welcome to stupid America!